Historical Snowfall Data

2022-23 Highlights
First Snowfall- 11/16 - 2.0"
Last snowfall- 3/25 - 12.5"
Heaviest snowfall- 3/14 - 37"
Total snowfall- 125.5" - 10' 5.5"
Most consecutive days of snow - 5 - 2/22-2/26
Heaviest snow period - 2/22 - 26  10.5"
2021-22 Highlights
First Snowfall- 11/12 - 1.0"
Last snowfall- 4/19 - 3.0"
Heaviest snowfall- 1/17 - 12.0"
Total snowfall- 72.75" - 6' 0.75"
Most consecutive days of snow - 2 - 12/18-12/19, 1/24-1/25
Heaviest snow period - 12/18-19  4.0"
2020-21 Highlights
First Snowfall- 10/17 - 2.5"
Last snowfall- 4/16 - 11.0"
Heaviest snowfall- 12/17 - 22.0"
Total snowfall- 94.5" - 7' 10.50"
Most consecutive days of snow - 2 - 12/5 -12/6
Heaviest snow period - 12/5-6  7.50"
2019-20 Highlights
First Snowfall- 11/07 - .375"
Last snowfall- 5/09 - 2.25"
Heaviest snowfall- 12/3 - 8.50"
Total snowfall- 72.25" - 6'.50"
Most consecutive days of snow - 3 - 12/1-3
Heaviest snow period - 12/1-3  16.00"
2018-19 Highlights
First Snowfall- 10/18 - .75"
Last snowfall- 5/14 - 1.50"
Heaviest snowfall- 1/20 - 11.00"
Total snowfall- 103.50" - 8' 7.5"
Most consecutive days of snow - 4 - 11/26-29
Heaviest snow period - 11/26-29  20.25"
2017-18 Highlights
First Snowfall- 12/10 - 2.00"
Last snowfall-  4/06-07 - 5.50"
Heaviest snowfall- 3/8 - 14.75"
Total snowfall- 122.00" - 10' 2"
Most consecutive days with snow - 3  3/13 -15
Heaviest snow period- 3/13 - 15 - 23.50"
2016-17 Highlights
First Snowfall- 10/27    1.00"
Last snowfall-  5/14    4.00"
Heaviest snowfall- 3/14  21.50"
Total snowfall- 136.00"  11' 33"
Most consecutive days with snow- 2  2/07-08, 2/12-13, 3/31-4/01
Heaviest snow period- 3/31 - 4/01  19.00"
2015-16 Highlights
First Snowfall- 10/18  1.00"
Last snowfall-  04/04  3.50"
Heaviest snowfall-  12/29  5.50"
Total snowfall-  34.00"  2'10.00" (least accumulation on this chart)
Most consecutive days with snow- 2 04/03-04   4.75"
Heaviest snow period-  04/03-04    4.75"
2014-15 Highlights
First Snowfall- 11/01 (visible, no accumulation)
Last snowfall- 04/09 (2.0")
Heaviest snowfall- 14.25” (11/26 & 02/02)
Total snowfall- 112.75", 9' 4.75"
Most consecutive days with snow- 3 02/08-10   13.00"
Heaviest snow period- 01/30-02-15  70.00"
2013-14 Highlights
First Snowfall- 10/30 (no accumulation)
Last snowfall- 04/16 (4")
Heaviest snowfall- 13.75” (02/13-14)
Total snowfall- 101.75", 8' 5.75""
Most consecutive days with snow- 4 01/17-20   5.75"
Heaviest snow period- 02/13-14  13.75"
2012-13 Highlights
First Snowfall- 11/07 (1.00")
Last snowfall- 05/25 (0.1")
Heaviest snowfall- 24.00” (02/08-09)
Total snowfall- 95.85", 7'10.85"
Most consecutive days with snow- 2 02/08-09   24.00"
Heaviest snow period-02/06-11  25.75"
2011-12 Highlights
First Snowfall- 10/27 (4.25")
Last snowfall- 03/10 (2.5")
Heaviest snowfall- 23.25” (10/29-30)
Total snowfall- 83.5", 6'11.375"
Most consecutive days with snow- 3 02/01 - 03   12.5"
Heaviest snow period- 10/29-30 23.25"
2010-11 Highlights
First Snowfall- 10/15 (1.5")
Last snowfall- 04/23 (2")
Heaviest snowfall- 23.0” (01/11-12)
Total snowfall- 117.5", 9’ 0.25"
Most consecutive days with snow- 3 02/01 - 03   12.5"
Heaviest snow period- 01/11-12   23."
2009-10 Highlights
First Snowfall- 12/09 (1.75")
Last snowfall- 04/28 (2")
Heaviest snowfall- 21.75” (02/24-25)
Total snowfall- 108.25",  9.791'
Most consecutive days with snow- 4 01/01 - 04   14.5"
Heaviest snow period- 02/24-25   21.75
2008-09 Highlights
First Snowfall- 11/25 (5.0")
Last snowfall- 03/22 (.4")
Heaviest snowfall- 12.5” (12/19-20)
Total snowfall- 111.00", 9’ 3"
Most consecutive days with snow- 6 02/18 - 02/23 24.4"
Heaviest snow period- same
2007-08 Highlights
First snowfall- 11/06 (1.0")
Last snowfall- 04/08 (1.5")
Heaviest snowfall- 01/29- 03/01 14.0"
Total snowfall- 90.50", 7' 6.5"
Most consecutive days with snow- 4 (02/27-03/01)
Heaviest snow period- 4 (02/27-03/01/08)  15.5" 
2006-07 Highlights
First snowfall- 10/27 (.5")
Last snowfall- 04/15 (7")
Heaviest snowfall- 16" (02/14)
Total snowfall- 62.75", 5' 2.75"
Most consecutive days with snow- 2 (12/7&8, 26&27, 01/19&20, 02/22&23, 03/2&3 16&17, 04/04&05) 
Heaviest snow period- 1 day 02/14 16
2005-06 Highlights
First snowfall- 10/25 (2")
Last snowfall- 04/06 (.75")
Heaviest snowfall- 11" (12/09)
Total snowfall- 81", 6' 10"
Most consecutive days with snow- 2 (11/23 & 24 5.25" 
Heaviest snow period- 2 consecutive days 11/23-24 
2004-05 Highlights
First snowfall- 11/08 (.5")
Last snowfall- 03/24 (8")
Heaviest snowfall- 12" (03/12)
Total snowfall- 103.25", 8' 8.25"
Most consecutive days with snow- 2 (twice) 
Heaviest snow period- 2 consecutive days 12/06-07 20
2003-04 Highlights
First snowfall- 10/23 (4.25")
Last snowfall- 03/23 (1.5")
Heaviest snowfall- 20" (12/06-07)
Total snowfall- 146", 12' 2" (most accumulation on this chart)
Most consecutive days with snow- 2 (twice) 
Heaviest snow period- 2 consecutive days 12/06-07 20"
2002-03 Highlights
First snowfall- 10/23 (6.25")
Last snowfall- 04/23 (2")
Heaviest snowfall- 22" (01/03-04)
Total snowfall- 75.25", 6' 3.5"
Most consecutive days with snow- 4 (02/28-03/02) 9"
Heaviest snow period- same