Washington Energy Committee

Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Present: Johanna Young, Andrew Hatch and Al Krygersis (joined end of the meeting)

Johanna read the minutes from last month and will type them and send them out later.

A Master Plan meeting was held today and Al and Andrew attended. All stake holders were introduced. Jim Crandle convened the meeting and spoke about the intent of the plan.

Utilities comes under the purview of the WEC for purposes of the Master Plan.

End of the year report is overdue. Andrew did not receive the reminder notice. He will create a draft of the report this week and circulate it.

Check was received from the Small Grassroots Grants fund and Andrew has been reimbursed for the money he spent on the camera. The purchase price was $696.50 and grant was $995.00. $290.50 remains for materials related to weatherization projects.

Andrew sat in at a web-inar on 11-5 on Energy Efficiency for low-income people. One of the presenters featured were from Dunbarton. Andrew received check-lists from Dunbarton and also will get docs from the Grassroots fund to help with weatherization projects (ie items to check for heat loss in a residence).

Gibsons said they are willing to be a test case.

Andrew will attend a weatherization project being done in Newport this Friday.

Johanna suggested we contact COVER to learn more about how they involve youth in their projects.

Camera: Andrew charged the batteries and got an extended warrantee and installed the software. Andrew hopes to tag along one evening when the Dunbarton group is using the camera, as they have a similar kind. The Washington fire department is interested in borrowing the camera to find hot spots

Andrew said WEC is creating a bridge between what Eversource offers with its audit program and what WEC can do as helpful neighbors.

WEC can physically help people with some projects and also provide guidance for work residents would like to do themselves.

Andrew said thermal imaging is best done when it’s cold so winter will be a good time to use the camera. Projects could be done later.

Ed Thayer has initiated an audit with Eversource to do an audit of the Town garage. Irish electric does the audits. Eversource shares 50% of the cost and the rest is paid off over time in savings.

Andrew will contact Mark Tousainte at Eversource to get an audit done of Camp Morgan.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,

Johanna Young, Secretary Pro Temps