Washington Energy Committee

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Present: Andrew Hatch, Johanna Young and later joined by Al Krygeris


Reviewed the archives and found out that the last WEC meeting was in July 2016. Reviewed those minutes for old business.


Old Business


•    Andrew met with the Dunbarton Energy Committee and learned more about how to use a thermal imaging camera and how they write up assessment reports to give to residents.

•    This winter the town thermal imaging camera was used by a resident to find leaky spots in her house and Andrew assisted another resident to use the camera. Andrew will follow-up with results before the fall.


New Business


•    Andrew has referred the Gibson family to SunRun solar as they asked about getting a solar array.

•    Andrew suggested that the committee do outreach at both the Transfer Station and the Farmer's market to encourage people to sign up for an energy assessment next winter. No exact dates were chosen. Both Johanna and Al agreed it was a good idea. Johanna said we might want to station ourselves next to the solar array to draw attention to that. We plan to do this from late summer into early fall...exact dates TBD by email.

•    We learned that the owner of Granite State Solar has purchased the Chute's old farm and are closing soon.

•    Al talked briefly about the town's new construction and energy efficiency plans. There will be new insulation and LED lighting in both the renovated TH and the Fire & Safety Center. Al thought that once the TH is completed, we should have a blower door test done to track improvements.

•    Andrew said he would reach out to John Gibson to see if he is interested in becoming a member of the committee.

•    Andrew noted that there have been a lot of legislative successes lately for energy.

•    The Committee decided to meet quarterly on the second Thursday of the month and as necessary.


Johanna left at 8:35 and Al and Andrew continued their conversation.

Respectfully submitted by,

Johanna Young

Secretary Pro Temps