Washington Energy Committee DRAFT Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Present: Johanna Young, Al Krygeris, Lindley Rankine, Bob Frazer


1.0           Minutes were approved for May

2.0           Al reported that he heard back from the engineer and the garage can't hold the solar panels. Will check to see if the select board wants to pursue a ground installation.

3.0           Johanna and Al will attend the upcoming Local Energy Conference in Concord.

4.0           Bob suggested we put out information about energy saving at local events to spread the word about saving energy.

5.0           We still plan to share a booth with the Conservation Commission for Olde Home Day. Bob brought some info that we could give out there. Johanna and Al will try to collect more at the conference. If we can think of an interesting demo on solar, we will do that, too, at the booth. Johanna to research ideas.

6.0           Discussed having another movie and discussion night. Maybe we can order a DVD through interlibrary loan. Did not set at a date, but perhaps in late August and we could hold it at the Town Hall instead now that there is a projector there.


Respectfully submitted,



Johanna Young,

Energy Committee Chair