Mission Statement

Mission Statement
The mission of the Camp Morgan Protection Committee is to work to preserve the Camp Morgan Property as it is presently used and to pass the property in its protected state to future generations in Washington for all to enjoy.
The protection of this property was a desired goal for the entire town in the 2015 Washington Master Plan survey. This goal was put into action, earlier, with the March 2000 Town Meeting warrant article #12, that established the Town Forest on the property, the March 2015 Town Meeting warrant article #5, that required a 2/3 vote to sell any Town Forest property (excluding conservation easements or deed restrictions), and the March 14, 2023 warrant article # 15, which reads as follows:
“to protect Camp Morgan Lodge Property (Tax Map # 11-67 and 11-41) from any further development by way of a 2/3 vote from a committee comprised of members of Forestry Committee, Parks & Recreation Commission, Conservation Commission, Millen Lake Association, and Planning Board for any changes of use. With a 2/3 vote, the Governing Body would then be obligated to present the change of use request to the Legislative body for a 3/4 vote by Ballot question.”
The formation of this protection committee is the first step in implementing the task set forth by the 2023 warrant article. We ask the public to report to the members of this committee, the organizations associated with these members or the Select Board, any questionable activities on the Camp Morgan property.
Committee members are committed to this protection effort and will report to the Town annually.