Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

January 3, 2017

0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM

0.1       Members present: Crandall, Kluk, Schwartz, Dulac and Williams

            0.2       Alternates present: Hatch

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Russell and Terani

0.4       Visitors: Roger Cullen


Crandall called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.


1.0       Minutes:

December 6th Meeting: No changes suggested, Dulac made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

December 13th working meeting: a couple of typos were pointed out, Schwartz will correct. Kluk motioned to approve the minutes with corrections, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

December 14th working meeting: no comments were made, Kluk moved to accept the minutes as written, Crandall seconded and all voted in favor.

December 14th Community Meeting: No comments, Dulac made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

December 20th working meeting: One typo and an omission was mentioned, Schwartz will correct, Kluk made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections, Dulac seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


2.0       New Business:

2.1       Roger Cullen came to speak with us about a possible subdivision on Bailey Road. He said that his uncle owns the property and he owns an abutting lot. The lot is on Bailey Road and is divided by the road. He said the town has been taxing the 134-acre property as two separate lots for some time, (TM 20-45, 76.12-acres and TM 20-48, 63.88-acres). Cullen had a copy of the deed, which refers to the lot as one parcel. There is a garage on lot 48 and a house on lot 45. He wasn’t sure when the town designated the property as two lots. His uncle is going to convey lot 48 to him, which is abutting his lot TM 20-49. We discussed the possibility of annexing the lot to his property but this would result in one large lot for Cullen. He was hoping to keep the property as two separate lots but would consider this. Cullen said he spoke with the town Assessor, who suggested he speak with the BoS and a lawyer. Schwartz suggested he speak with a lawyer about whether they could rewrite the deed as two lots. Williams said that since the deed says it is one lot, the tax bills do not affect the deed. Schwartz agreed. We discussed annexation as opposed to subdivision with Cullen. Cullen stated that all the lots are in current use and he has no plans to develop the property. We told him that with either application (annexation or subdivision) he would need a survey done. Cullen said the property is bounded by stonewalls. Dulac suggested he speak with a surveyor first and consider whether he wants the result to be one lot or two. Cullen asked what he should do next. Crandall said the application forms for both an annexation and a minor subdivision are on the Planning Board’s website. He suggested that Cullen read through the forms and speak with his surveyor and lawyer.

2.2       Ballot for Town Meeting

            Dulac asked if this is the actual ballot and Schwartz said it is a draft of the actual ballot for us to work on. Kluk asked if we could have some explanation under the question. Schwartz said she would have to ask Barbara Gaskell, who is the Moderator. Kluk asked about the wording and suggested giving more detail. Hatch said that on question #1 we are asking people to approve or disapprove, if they disapprove what are we left with. Schwartz answered we are left with the state law. Kluk said the state is more restrictive in certain areas. Kluk suggested new wording for question #1: “To permit Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) on a lot with an owner occupied single family dwelling, whereby the ADU is within or attached to either the dwelling or an accessory building. This is to adapt the LUO section 3.01 to new state law, RSA 674:71 to :73”. Williams suggested moving the definition up with the question and have just one yes or no question. All agreed. On question #2, Kluk suggested adding “to remove any content specific regulations in order to comply with a recent US Supreme Court decision”, and add the definitions to the one question, all agreed. On question #3, Crandall suggested we should say this clarifies what we have done since 1990. Williams doesn’t want to open a can of worms, he suggested we just say, "to amend the LUO to clarify the language", all agreed. We discussed the need for the definition; Schwartz feels that “public body of water” is referenced so it should be defined. Schwartz asked if we want a separate explanation sheet, she would speak with Barbara Gaskell and see what is okay to put on the ballot. We will look at it again next month.



3.0       Old Business:

3.1       Municipal Buildings project update:

            Crandall passed out a sheet he and Kluk did that explains the numbers for the Meetinghouse presented at the Community Meeting. They broke things down in terms of what could be postponed for future phasing or done with donations. He feels there should be money accounted for in the total to do the archives in the basement of the building. He also said a 2 story lift would be paid by donations ($30,000) but the Town should also include $20K to have the lift go to all 3 stories as archives and storage would be better accessible for employees and public. Crandall asked what was happening with the F/R building. Williams said that F/R members came in to see BoS two weeks ago with their numbers ($1.606) and they discussed what could be done. They agreed on the barn, connector (with Decon) and unrenovated existing station, they are trying to get it down in price. The net results of the meeting were F/R came up with a conceptual plan and they are considering releasing some funds to work it up into drawings. Williams passed out a copy of the plan. BoS wants the number in the low $1.4, high $1.3M range. They hope to get it done in the next couple of weeks. Dulac asked what the chances are they can do it. Williams said they are motivated to get something done. The BoS has talked about contracting the project themselves to save money and other things. They want to work with F/R but the door is closing. Dulac asked about warrant articles. Williams said that on a combined article, the probability is not high at this point, they are leaning toward 2 separate articles but the decision is not made yet. Crandall asked about whether it would make a difference if the Planning Board has an opinion about a single or combined article. Williams said not now, F/R is working with the BoS right now; let them get it done first. Williams said BoS has a meeting with Milestone on Thursday morning to get them to turn the MH numbers into a GMP.

3.2       Master Plan – No discussion

3.3       Building Permit issue – Structural alterations definition:

            Schwartz said she is keeping this on the agenda as a placeholder. We will move this discussion into next year.


4.0      Driveway Permits:

4.1      John Manning, East Washington Road, TM13-9, temporary driveway for logging, Ed checked the site and spoke with the logger. Schwartz said this is the same site as the intent-to-cut we discussed last meeting; they are opening up a previously used opening for logging. She made a motion to approve, Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


5.0       Mergers: None


6.0       Communications:

6.1       DES, copy of notice of after the fact Shoreland permit, Sean Madigan, TM 11-191   

            6.2       Copy of Wetlands permit application for LAE beach sand replenishment

            6.3       Intent-to-Cut, Bibbo, Ayers Pond Road, TM6-3&5


Kluk asked about a recent BoS - ZBA referral that she read about in their minutes. It was for a water setback variance but they needed a Shoreland permit (which hadn’t been obtained yet). She said the ZBA should never be handing out variances for water setbacks; it is DES’s responsibility. Williams said that DES is very liberal with setbacks. Schwartz said the Shoreland permit is required on the building permit and the BoS shouldn’t be kicking permits to the ZBA for a variance if they aren’t complete, (i.e. all needed documents obtained and checked off on the checklist).


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, February 7, 2017, at 6:30PM


8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 7:55 pm

            Motioned by Dulac, seconded by Crandall, all voted in favor.


Kluk said she is leaving for Utah and will participate in meetings by phone for the next two months. She stated she is not running for another term and will be done in March.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz