Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

March 7, 2017

0.0       Assembly:  6:00PM

0.1       Members present: Crandall (by phone), Schwartz and Williams

            0.2       Alternates present: Terani and Hatch

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Kluk, Dulac and Russell

0.4       Visitors: Roger Cullen, Peter Mellen, James Aldrich and Brenda Aldrich (attending for son Brian Aldrich) and Johanna Young.


Schwartz called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00PM. As acting chair she appointed Hatch to sit in for Kluk and Terani to sit in for Dulac.

Williams questioned whether members attending by phone could be counted in figuring whether we have a quorum of members attending. Crandall said the RSA's and our Rules and Procedures allow the chairman to appoint alternates to participate in full and he appointed Schwartz as acting chair. He also said he would contact NHMA this week for a legal opinion on the question. Schwartz pointed out that we have a quorum with the appointed alternates sitting in for absent members.


1.0       Public Hearing: Peck, Bailey Road subdivision, TM 20-45 & 48.

            Schwartz asked Mellen to go over the plan for subdivision of the Peck lots. Mellen explained that the lots are one piece of property by deed, though the town has been taxing them as separate lots, TM 20-45 is 76.12-acres and TM 20-48 is 63.88-acres. They are subdividing the property using Bailey Road as one boundary line for the lots. The lots are also bounded by stonewalls. He showed sheet one of the plan, which depicts the tax lots and abutting lots. Sheet two of the plan shows a detailed plan of the subdivided lot, TM 20-48. We had gone through the checklist at our meeting last month but briefly discussed it again. Mellen provided us a second copy of the present deed for the property. Hatch moved to accept the application as complete, Williams seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Schwartz read the requested waivers to those present. Hatch then moved to accept the requested waivers, Williams seconded and all voted in favor. Schwartz asked the public attending for comments. Young asked if the property is in the NRI Conservation Priority areas, Schwartz replied that it isn’t. Young mentioned a seasonal stream that leaves her property and goes in that direction. Schwartz said that the stream wouldn’t be affected by the subdivision.

            There being no further comments Schwartz closed the hearing at 6:12PM.


We had a general discussion on deeds, lots, tax maps and tracts and the implications of each. Williams asked if Cullen wants to subdivide again would he have to wait 10 years to do so. Schwartz said that he can subdivide within that time period but it is treated as a major subdivision.


Schwartz called the regular meeting to order at 6:30PM.

2.0       Minutes:

February 7, 2017 – Hatch pointed out that Bailey Road was misspelled twice in the paragraph on the subdivision discussion, Schwartz will correct. Williams commented that Marshall should have said that the ATV ballot issue is in regard to the Highland Haven Village district only, Schwartz will correct this point. Hatch motioned to approve with corrections, Schwartz seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       Peck Subdivision:

            Hatch made a motion to approve the Peck subdivision, Williams seconded and all voted in favor. Peter Mellen brought the mylars of the subdivision plan. Crandall asked Schwartz, as acting Chair, to sign them. Schwartz signed the paper copies and the mylars and will take them to the Registry of Deeds on Thursday.


3.2       Planning Books:

            Schwartz passed out the new Planning Books to members in attendance. She left the extras on the top of the file cabinet.


3.3       Request from SAC Wireless for information:

Schwartz said a request came by email regarding a need for information on Telecommunications ordinances in the town and general zoning questions. They are working with Rivada Networks and the state to explore implementation of FirstNet in Washington. They are working with NH Department of Safety on the possibility of a Public Safety Network. Schwartz said she received an email requesting information. The company is gathering information and working with the state Department of Safety. She read her answer to the inquiry and we will wait to hear more on the subject in the future. Williams said that the town let the cell tower lease lapse on the transfer station land because DPW wants to put the salt shed in that location.


4.0       Old Business:

4.1       Municipal Buildings project update:

            Williams updated us on the warrant articles for both municipal building projects. He said there are 2 separate articles, the first is for the Town Hall; $1.37M gross budget, $1.281M in bonding after counting $75K from the building fund, $13.8K from the preservation fund. The second article is for $1.3M gross budget, $1.204M in bonding after counting $75K from the building fund, $12.8K from the planning fund and ~$8K from the Washington Volunteer Fire Squad building fund. Williams said he is presenting both projects for the BoS and they want both to pass. Crandall said he would speak officially for the Planning Board in favor of both projects. Williams hope that others will also speak in favor of the projects. Crandall reminded everyone to speak with anyone they know and get them to vote yes. Hatch asked if they were going to talk about the impact on the tax rate. Williams said they would, the two projects will be about 77 – 78¢ but there are 3 things that will bring that down; the school bond is paid off -32¢, the town budget is down -16¢, and -21¢ off the capital reserve for the municipal building fund. So the BoS advises that the Town can afford to do this and Lake Sunapee Bank has said they can give the town a preferable rate of 3.5% or better right now. The BoS believes the core needs of the departments are being met with these proposals and this is the time to do them. Everyone felt Michael Pon did a great job on his article in putting the facts out for the public. Terani asked if they would cover the inflation issue and Williams said he would. He said the PB recommended looking at the Schoolhouse and raising money for it at a later date.

4.2       Master Plan – No discussion this month but we will take up a list of issues that Kluk put together on the LUO and Subdivision that we need to address after Town Meeting.

4.3       Building Permit issue – Structural alterations definition:

            Schwartz said she is keeping this on the agenda as a placeholder. We will move this discussion into future meetings.


5.0      Driveway Permits: None


6.0       Mergers: None


7.0       Communications:

7.1       Notice from FEMA, re: upcoming Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (RiskMap) discover meeting, March 9th, Claremont, asking Tom Marshall to participate.    

            7.2       Email from Daniel Kilian, SAC Wireless

7.3       Emailed letter from Rivada Networks, re:contact from their subcontractor SAC, asking for cooperation on inquiry (7.2).


8.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, April 4, 2017, at 6:30PM


9.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 7:12 pm

            Motioned by Hatch, seconded by Williams, all voted in favor.



Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz