Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

February 2, 2016

0.0       Assembly: 6:30PM


            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Marshall and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Dulac, Hatch

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Kluk, Dagesse, Russell, Terani

            0.4       Visitors: None


Crandall motioned to have Hatch to sit for Dagesse and Dulac sit in for Kluk, Marshall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


1.0       Minutes: January 5th meeting, Dulac asked to change “always” to “sometimes” in the first paragraph, everyone agreed to the change. Hatch mentioned that Crandall motioned for him to sit in for Dagesse but the minutes said that Dulac was seated in her place. Schwartz will change the minutes to reflect this. Hatch motioned to approve the minutes with the changes, Dulac seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       Master Plan Update: PB goal priorities for 2016 - Crandall said he doesn’t want the Master Plan to dominate all our meetings this year and we should recognize that some of the goals will take years to achieve. That said he suggested that he, Kluk and Schwartz take on some Land Use and Zoning goals and LUO updates and Dulac and Hatch can concentrate on some Economic Development goals that they showed interest in. He said that Marshall could float between the two groups or choose what he wants to do. He suggested we work on these areas and bring what we come up with to the full board. He asked if this works for everyone. Hatch said that he would like to work on Land Use issues also so he can learn more about it. Crandall wants to try to get something done on the Heritage Committee/Commission as a subcommittee of the Planning Board. Hatch said that Kluk sent information about Heritage Commissions and we can focus on it when she gets back. Crandall said we have to approach the Historical Society to talk about it. Dulac said that he hadn’t focused on the Land Use Ordinance before last meeting but he would also like to learn more about it by being involved with it. Crandall said he isn’t sure where we will start on it but we will probably work on a list and bring it back to the next meeting. There are some obvious conflicts that need to be resolved. Marshall thinks everyone should read it and become familiar with it. He said we should think about the expense and logistics when we change it. Crandall thinks we need to enforce what we have or not bother to have it. Marshall said that they are working on enforcement but it can be costly. If we strengthen the LUO we need to enforce it. Crandall thinks it is money well spent, everyone agreed.


2.2       Budget discussion – Crandall asked about the request for money to upgrade Old Marlow Road. Marshall said that they are seeking money to improve the road to log the Farnsworth Hill Town Forest, making it passable for log trucks. They are also considering improving the road all the way to Ashuelot. They have 2 separate articles, one for $3500 to improve the road, as a fire lane, to the Town Forest, the other for $5000 to improve the road the rest of the way to Ashuelot. Hatch asked about the Meeting House and Safety building projects and he read it as abandoning the Meeting House for this year. Marshall said they are tabling the Meeting House for this year because they have put a lot of money into the building in the last few years, insulating and new clapboard siding. He said the roof is in dire need of replacement and they are planning to take $15K out of the original building maintenance fund to do this. The Selectmen have decided that there is plenty of room for the town workers and there is no need to do anything this year beyond that. He read Article #3 for the board, which concerns the bonding for a barn only for the safety services. He said they don’t need the administration wing right now. He said the new ambulance is on hold for now pending a positive vote on the barn because the new vehicle won’t fit in the existing building. They will get another year out of the ambulance they have. The Selectmen see this as locking on the need and getting something started. Marshall mentioned a 5.5% interest rate, which sounded high and 46 cents on the tax rate. Schwartz asked if they have a plan for getting both projects done and what the timeline would be. Marshall said they don’t have one they want to get a shovel in the ground, they think that they can build the administration wing with volunteers, and then afterward, they will concentrate on the Meeting House.

Hatch asked about the new Police Chief and what he thinks of the Schoolhouse building. Marshall said that the new chief is part-time and they are looking for a full time officer. Hatch asked about the accommodations and Marshall said he is fine to work out of there for now. Schwartz suggested the new full time officer should also be an EMT. Marshall thinks this would cost more and be hard to find.

Crandall asked about a “Meet the Candidates” night and Marshall said they haven’t scheduled one yet.


2.3       Sign ordinance – Schwartz spoke about the few changes, made by Kluk, to the revised sign ordinance, that were sent out earlier in the day for review. Everyone agreed to the changes and Schwartz said she would send the revised ordinance to the UVLSRPC for review.


3.0       New Business: Crandall brought up not having a March meeting for lack of business. Schwartz said she thinks it isn’t legal to skip a meeting and we looked into this before. She will look up the RSA and send the information to board members. She said we have to be available for the public, if they show up to speak with us.          


4.0       Driveway permits: None


5.0       Mergers: None


6.0       Old Business: None


7.0       Communications:

6.1       Intent to cut – Kraus, TM 13-6, East Washington Road

6.2       Intent to cut – Rubega, TM 17-8, Smith Pond Road    

6.3       Notice from DES, approval for construction, septic, Dubowik, TM 15-52, 333 King Street

6.4       Notice from DES, acceptance of septic permit application, TM 16-68, 4003 East Washington Road

6.5       Notice from DES, request for more information, TM11-67, 339 Millen Pond Road

6.6       Information on Creative Planning and Development grants



8.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, March 1, 2015, at 6:30PM


9.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 7:18 pm

            Motioned by Marshall, seconded by Dulac, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz