Washington Planning Board

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

August 2, 2016

0.0       Assembly:  6:00PM

            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Kluk, Dulac, Schwartz and Williams

            0.2       Alternates present: Hatch

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Terani and Russell

0.4           Visitors: Gwen Gaskell, Gary Harwood, Tom Marshall, Normand Robert, Tomas Burt, Deb DeFosse, Scott Depot, Kathy Depot, Charlie Eastman, Ken Eastman, Chris Gannon, Casey Walton, Ryan Curran.


1.0       Crandall called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00PM.


            Hearing Ryan Curran, Washington General Store business permit:

            Crandall explained that the Planning Board doesn’t have any say in the liquor license for the store; we are just considering the business license and enforcing the Land Use Ordinance (LUO), which is voted on by the town. He said we have no personal preferences, we just consider if the application meets the criteria of the LUO. Crandall said the new application was triggered by an expansion on the restaurant side of the business. Crandall said that Curran has agreed to some conditions for his business. He said the board did a site visit in July and looked at all aspects of the business and Curran’s plan for expanded parking. We determined that for the number of seats in the restaurant and the store square footage he needs 18 parking spots. Curran has made room for 20, including spaces behind the building, while leaving the driveway open around the building. We determined that Curran needed a new septic design because of the increase in restaurant seats so he had Bachand dig test pits and Meridian did a new septic design in the event that his present system fails. The new septic design has been submitted to DES and we are awaiting their approval, this should come next week.

            Crandall asked those present if they are opposed or have any concerns about Curran’s application. Since no one spoke in opposition, Crandall presumed that all in attendance were in favor, but asked if anyone wanted to speak. Scott Depot asked about the expansion. Crandall said that the Liquor Commission requires a restaurant to have 20 seats to give him a license to serve. Crandall read the conditions the board agreed to with Curran, which included a 3-drink limit, ordering drinks with food from the menu, keeping the driveway open for parking. He mentioned that Rte. 31 is a state highway so any no parking signs would come from the state. Crandall asked Curran if he wanted to comment, he wanted to thank everyone for coming out to support him. Crandall commented that we handled the application quickly and Curran was helpful in the process. Tom Marshall commented that the board can approve the application conditionally and Crandall agreed.

Williams made a motion to close the hearing, Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Crandall closed the hearing at 6:07PM.


Crandall opened the regular meeting at 6:12PM. We decided to take up the business permit first on our agenda.


4.1       Business Permit, Ryan Curran, Washington General Store:

            Crandall commented that there was no opposition to the application so he would entertain a motion. Dulac made a motion to approve the permit conditionally on the receipt of the updated septic plan and letter of approval by DES, Williams seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Crandall will sign the permit when we get the needed documents. Williams suggested we send another joint letter to the Liquor Commission updating them on our approval of the permit. Williams will draft the letter and Crandall and Marshall can sign it on Thursday.


We next took up some new business because the Eastman’s were in attendance:

3.1       Eastman, 494 Millen Pond Road, TM 11-42, discussion about a possible simple subdivision. Charlie Eastman said that they have 19.8 acres total; they want to take 4 to 5 acres out to create a simple subdivision, waterfront lot. Crandall commented that 5 acres is easier with the state. They want to create a lot with 200’ of road frontage and 50’ of waterfront. She said that 2 perc tests have been done on the lot across the street where most of the acreage would be. On the sketch plan they had drawn in the setbacks and a 28’ by 28’ cottage could be built on the waterfront piece. Their dilemma is that Donald Mellen did the original survey, Peter then surveyed the piece across the street and now Gail Rochford drew the sketch plan for the cottage (on the waterfront piece). She needs to obtain the survey done by Peter Mellen. Williams commented that the 30’ side setback may be a problem if they go with only 50’ of waterfront. Crandall said that if they need a variance it wouldn’t be a problem. Ken Eastman said that they bought a metal detector and with it they found all the iron bars, he said that Mellen has reference points and can find any point using them. Charlie said that they will come up with a survey and return with a plan for subdivision. The Eastman’s left the meeting at this point. Kluk pointed out in her copy of the LUO that it says you need 200’ of frontage both on road or water. Crandall asked about pie shaped lots. Kluk said that the state requires 50’ to put in a dock. Hatch wonders what the intention was in the LUO for waterfront. Dulac thinks 200’ is a lot of frontage. Schwartz said that it is but you are creating a new lot of 4 acres so it really isn’t that much. Crandall asked Williams if we should ask the town attorney for a legal interpretation. Williams suggested we ask Jack Sheehy and Lynn Cook about it, as they were past chairs of the board, he suggested also asking NHMA. Kluk said she will look at the subdivision regs and see if there is something in there on this issue and we will all do some digging into it.


2.0       Minutes: July 21st working meeting with F/R:

            No corrections were requested, Kluk motioned to approve as written, Crandall seconded. Williams abstained from voting stating he was only there for part of the meeting, all else voted to approve.

            July 25th working meeting:

            Dulac motioned to approve as written, Kluk seconded the motion, all voted if favor.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       Eastman, 494 Millen Pond Road, TM 11-42, discussion about a possible simple subdivision. (see above)

3.2       Jon Gibson, Sign permit application for Gibson Pewter:

            We took up the sign permit for Gibson Pewter, they are requesting a 2’X8’ sign to be mounted on the barn and a smaller standing sign for near the road. We looked at the LUO (section 309.1.3), which restricts the mounted sign to 12 square feet. We had no problem with the freestanding sign. Williams suggested he reduce the sign to 12 square feet or he will have to go to the BoA for a variance. We will table the application and Crandall will speak to Gibson and see what he wants to do.


4.0       Old Business:

4.1       Business Permit, Ryan Curran, Washington General Store (see above).

4.2       Municipal Buildings project update:

Hatch and Dulac met with the BoS last week and we had their notes from the meeting. Hatch said that his notes were an accurate telling of the meeting. He said the Selectmen’s minutes reflected a decision at their meeting. The letter they delivered to the BoS took our plan, stressing that the original plans were being reduced and simplified to take out wants and including the potential for private funds and volunteer labor for future build-out. Dulac said that last paragraph asked for money and for the authority to speak with Milestone and BPS, if the answer is no they should let us know. He said maybe we don’t need their authority to speak with them. Crandall had a copy of the BoS minutes. Hatch asked what will be required to move forward a petition article. He made a motion to adopt the letter as what we want to move forward with in light of their decision. Kluk pointed out that the $3M cap was not mentioned in the letter and she wants it in the motion. She asked if we are re-voting on the original motion. Dulac commented that as a result of the meeting we are voting to go alone on a petition article. Crandall suggested we reference the original motion. Dulac motioned to continue planning and to pursue a warrant article using the original wording from our July 25th meeting including the $3M cap. The original motion is: to go with the F/R plan and the plan for the Town Hall presented by Crandall (with $200K in donations on the table), the Schoolhouse structural integrity to be maintained and will be included in the bond with any future work on the Schoolhouse to be included in the regular budget. This includes all 3 buildings, subject to cost estimates/changes, to be a $3M combined bond for 20 years, presented as one warrant article for 2017. Crandall seconded the motion. Discussion followed and Dulac asked about the Schoolhouse, we don’t have any idea of what it will cost. He suggested 2 warrant articles with a smaller one for the Schoolhouse. Crandall suggested that a motion could change the one article to more money. Kluk asked to add that the PB will continue planning for a warrant article. Kluk thinks if the $3M cap is in there it will force some compromises in the plans, she has hope that whatever compromises we come up with the BoS will agree to. Schwartz said the details can change. Crandall called for a vote on the motion with the $3M cap in there. Four voted yes and Williams voted no. Motion passed.

Crandall brought up the matter of a structural engineer, if the BoS won’t give us $1500 to pay for one. He felt we shouldn’t let it stop us because we can take donations to get it done. Crandall has a qualified architect who is willing to help and give us some ideas. He will share Bill Cole’s report with him and arrange a meeting with us. Dulac thinks it is a good idea to talk to the architect and get an opinion; maybe later we can get an engineer to look at it and get specifics and costs. Crandall said he has spoken with Milestone and they are willing to meet with us. Kluk asked if we are looking for a GMP and Crandall said we can’t get a GMP now but we will get one later. Williams asked if the letter went to Warrenstreet as well as BPS. Schwartz said we are in contact with them.

Crandall shared copies of a combine warrant article draft and a copy of the Canterbury combined warrant article. He said for a petition article the deadline is fifth Tuesday before Town Meeting. Williams said that NHMA provides a calendar of the dates in November. He said you need 25 signatures on a petition or 2% of the voters, whichever is less. Crandall said we are far from being ready, do we need a lawyer? Williams said that you need a plain language article, you don’t need a lawyer, the Selectmen have to make it legal and run it by DRA, it is not complicated, DRA guides on the money and legal aspects. Crandall asked if we want to put something together for the Chicken BBQ? He suggested something aspirational not technical and Dulac added it shouldn’t be a narrative. Kluk suggested one page at most. Schwartz will draft something, send it out and take suggestions from members. We looked at Dulac’s suggestions from the meeting with the BoS; he suggested we have a working meeting to work on moving forward. He wants to shoot for the September 30th date for having a good handle on what the projects are. Crandall suggested Dulac meet with Thayer about the wetlands issue and septic system. We decided to hold a working session on Monday, August 8th at 9am at Camp Morgan, if raining we will meet at the Town Hall. Crandall will try to set a meeting with Milestone. Kluk has questions on the scope of the buildings and the need for a new septic system for the Town Hall. Dulac asked what we want to accomplish on Monday. Kluk said she has a list of things needed to be accounted for in the cost, she will circulate the list.

4.3       Accessory Dwelling Units:

            Kluk said she found conflicts with the LUO, duplexes are allowed, do we get rid of that in the LUO and just go with ADU’s? She will pull together a list of changes we need to make to bring everything into alignment. Schwartz said in our meeting with the BoS Marshall said we should allow detached ADU’s. Williams said he felt we should allow detached but we voted to go with just attached. Kluk said we decided to try attached only first and see how it works, we can add detached later. Kluk said we need to clean up the language.

4.4       Sign Ordinance Update:

            Kluk said the sign ordinance is ready to go to a hearing. We decided to wait on a hearing until we have several things ready to go.

4.5       Building Permit issue:

            Williams said we need specific language for the LUO on what “structurally altered” means. He said the BoS has not amended the building permit but are now reading it broadly. They are making more people get permits for alterations. He suggested that maybe they can go with a notification of a change to the building with no fee attached that serves as a notice to the Assessors. Dulac said that next month we should have some language to look at for the LUO, Schwartz will draft something.

4.6       Master Plan: We feel we are moving ahead on several fronts on Master Plan initiatives.


5.0       Driveway Permits:

5.1       John Antoniak, TM 12-48, Mill Street (near bridge) existing driveway upgraded from woods road, Ed checked, no culvert required. The application has been returned and signed by Borey. Williams said that the BoS is in litigation with Borey and Antoniak concerning LUO violations, he doesn’t think we should approve anything at this time. Dulac agreed that if they are in violation we shouldn’t approve anything until they have remedied the situation. Williams said they have some alternative solutions to the problem that they haven’t acted on. Dulac motioned to table the application, Crandall seconded and all voted in favor.


6.0       Mergers: None


7.0       Communications:

7.1       Intent-to-cut, TM 1-2, Rte. 31 North, Daniel Early   

7.2       Copy of Town and Country magazine, NHMA

7.3       NH Timber Owners assoc. Workshop on NH Timber Harvesting Law, August 23rd, Bristol, 4pm to 8pm


8.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, September 6, 2016, at 6:30PM

            Working meeting scheduled for Monday, August 8th at 9am at Camp Morgan Lodge.


9.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:02 pm

            Motioned by Dulac, seconded by Crandall, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz