Washington Planning Board

Working Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Washington Planning Board

Working Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

November 3, 2016

0.0       Assembly:  8:30 AM

            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Kluk, Schwartz, Dulac and Williams

            0.2       Members and Alternates Absent: Hatch, Terani and Russell

            0.3       Visitors: None


1.0       Letter to F/R:

            Crandall opened the meeting and said the purpose is to follow up to approve the letter to F/R drafted by Kluk. Dulac made a motion to send the letter as written by Kluk, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

            Dulac asked how we should send it? Schwartz said she has an email list for F/R. Dulac recommends we send it to all members and Crandall agreed, Williams disagreed. Schwartz will email it to as many members as she has email addresses for, we will give Moser a hard copy. We can attend the officers’ meeting on Monday if needed.

            Kluk asked for board support for 2 members to work with F/R and BoS. In light of the time crunch we need to be able to work quickly and not have to have a quorum there. Dulac thinks it is a good idea and Crandall agreed. Kluk wants everyone to be comfortable with this and asked if we need to make a motion to make it official. We decided everyone is comfortable with that arrangement.

2.0       Budget: We are happy with the budget and Schwartz will pass it on to DeFosse.


3.0       Ryan Curran, WGS Septic approval:

            Crandall said we got all the paper work back from Meridian and DES and the septic design is approved. Williams said we need to send a joint PB and BoS letter to the Liquor Commissioner to say we received approval and Curran has satisfied all the requirements for his Business Permit. Crandall signed the business permit and will drop it off to Curran. DeFosse is drafting a letter to LC and will send by email after Crandall and Marshall sign it.


4.0       CIP:

            Dulac commented that spreading out the big equipment made the increases to the first few years a lot. He said it probably increases the tax rate by $1.00. He asked if we are sure we want to do this in light of what else we are suggesting for Town Meeting, is it a good idea. Williams said we are obligated to do the CIP and present it, the town budget is not our purview, it is independent of this. Kluk feels it is our responsibility to be careful and Schwartz should readjust the numbers. Dulac had a concern about the numbers and he suggested we adjust the timing and undo the smoothing. Crandall suggested we move things out of 2017 and 2018. Crandall asked Schwartz to speak with Thayer next week and we can adjust things.


5.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:55 am

            Motioned by Kluk, seconded by Dulac, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz