Washington Planning Board

Community Meeting - DRAFT
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Washington Planning Board

Community Meeting - DRAFT

December 14, 2016

0.0       Assembly: 7:00 PM

0.1       Members present: Crandall, Kluk, Schwartz, Dulac and Williams

            0.2       Members and Alternates Absent: Russell, Terani and Hatch

0.3       Visitors: Mike Otterson, Diana Hanssen, Steve Hanssen, Gary Harwood, Bob and Sue Hofstetter, Bob and Yvonne Bachand, Guy Eaton, Dennis Kelly, Ray Clark, Bill Cole, Becky Dulac, Colleen Whitney, Michael Pon, Shannon O’Connor, Gwen Gaskell, Vivian Clark, Shawn Atkins, Jed Schwartz, Frank Fezishin, Janice Philbrick, Alan Cummings, Ron Jager, Lolly Gilbert, Pete Martin, Debbie and Steve Vinciguerra, Marcia and Larry Leizure, Ali Leizure, Dave DeFosse, Anthony Costello, Michael Kluk, Thomas Taner, Linda and Tom Marshall, Dave Wood, Al and Mary Krygeris.


Crandall opened the meeting and asked if everyone received packets as they came in the door. The packets contained a copy of the PowerPoint presentation, a survey and a volunteer/donation page.

He clarified that at last Town Meeting the PB was willing to take on the municipal buildings project. The Planning Board can only advise on this, we have no statutory standing. He explained that we had no budget but have accomplished what we could with a lot of meetings.

Crandall started the presentation, Kluk and Dulac also presented certain portions to the public.

Kluk asked for any questions from the public. Kelly asked about having doors on both ends of the F/R building. Kluk said there were doors on both ends. Philbrick asked about putting the full F/R building on the warrant (as was proposed in 2015), she said that the state is requiring Decon now. Philbrick asked for separate warrant articles. We were asked why we didn’t already look at the Schoolhouse and Crandall said we had no money available to us. Jager asked about construction plans for the MH and the lower savings on the F/R building plan. He asked how we persuaded ourselves that it was a just thing to do. Kluk replied that we went back to the architect’s original plan for the MH and we are working to get the cost down on the F/R building.

There were no other comments. Crandall asked everyone to fill out their surveys and drop them in the box before leaving and he thanked everyone for coming out for the presentation.


2.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:30 PM



Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz