Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

  Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

May 5, 2015

0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM

            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Schwartz and Marshall

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk, Terani, Dulac, Russell

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Cook, Dagesse

0.4           Visitors: Lolly Gilbert


Crandall motioned Kluk to sit in for Cook and Dulac to sit in for Dagesse, Schwartz seconded, all voted in favor.


1.0       Minutes: Minutes from April 7, 2015, no changes were requested, Marshall motioned to approve, Kluk seconded and all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       Master Plan Update Committee – Kluk spoke briefly about the drafted chapters and Vision section. She sent the board digital copies of six chapters - Land Use and Zoning, Natural Resources, Economic Development, Recreation, Cultural and Historic Resources, Population and the Vision Statement. The board members reviewed the chapters on their own and brought suggestions for edits. We started with the Vision Statement and Kluk mentioned that the only change made was to mention education in the list of services the town provides. Schwartz suggested adding quality to education, all agreed. Land Use and Zoning was reviewed and we went over the goals and recommendations. Kluk mentioned how the numbers on acreages and subdivisions were reconciled. Dulac mentioned that preservation was a big deal at the community workshop. On Goal C, Dulac asked about different zoning requirements in different areas and whether the town had already done that, Schwartz said no, not yet. On Goal D, Kluk said she would like to add Neighborhood Heritage Districts and Form-based Code, which works to preserve character of place without being overly restrictive. She learned about these at the NHOEP conference. All agreed. Next we took up the Natural Resources chapter, everyone was OK with the Goals and recommendations, as written. We moved on to the Economic Development chapter and on Goal A, Marshall asked about convenience versus needs. Dulac said that at the workshop people said they want fast internet and cell services. Marshall thinks that if you provide services like that people then want a McDonalds or Walmart. He feels you have to be careful what you bring in. Gilbert doesn’t think that is true. Russell said that what Marshall brought up is related to traffic and if you don’t have the traffic numbers you won’t have these things. We reviewed the Recreation chapter and made a couple of changes to the wording in the Goals and recommendations section. Next was the Cultural and Historic Resources chapter. Under Goal A, Crandall asked about the use of the word Village Districts, he feels the term is used for dam maintenance and special taxing purposes, he felt we should remove this reference. We will change the reference to Village Centers. We decided to remove the note that spoke about Historic Districts. All other Goals and recommendations were OK, as written. The Population chapter was reviewed and deemed well written.

Crandall asked how we should handle the public hearing, he doesn’t want go through each chapter because it will take forever. Marshall said we should just ask for questions and comments. The chapter drafts will be available on the Town website and we will have copies available at Town Hall and the Library. We discussed how many copies to have made and decided on 3 for each site. Dulac commented that we should make copies available to all groups in town. Kluk said that we could hold an “all-boards” meeting after the public hearing.

We discussed who would speak at the public hearing and decided that Crandall will introduce and speak about the update effort and Kluk can fill in details. Dulac said we should keep a narrow scope. Kluk asked if we need a handout for the public. Marshall said we should use the projector and just put the general goal statements up on the screen. Terani asked what we are looking for at the hearing, Kluk answered; feedback from the public. Dulac asked about who approves the Master Plan? Schwartz said that the Planning Board approves it after a public hearing and vote of the board. Kluk said we would use the goals for each chapter, an introductory overview, the vision statement and a chapter list for the presentation materials. Kluk and Schwartz will work on a powerpoint document. After Kluk makes the changes agreed on at he meeting, Schwartz will put the updated chapters on the Town website and notice for the public hearing.


2.2       NHOEP Spring Planning and Zoning Conference, Schwartz and Kluk attended the conference and spoke briefly about the sessions they attended.


2.3       Events Sign – Kluk reported that nothing has been done since last meeting. Schwartz said that she spoke to Ed Thayer and he is happy to help with the siting and any other issues. He will meet with Kluk and the sign makers at the Town Garage, when they set a meeting.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       Planning Books –Schwartz passed out the 2015 edition of the NH Planning and Land Use Regulation book. Unfortunately, only 7 were ordered and we didn’t have enough copies for our two newest alternate members.


4.0       Driveway permits: None


5.0       Mergers: None


Crandall asked that we include the name when referring to any permit, Schwartz will do this on all future references.

6.0       Communications:

6.1       DES - Copy of Wetlands Permit by Notification, Sadock, TM 20-119, 113 Pheasant Lane, replacing dock structure on Highland Lake.


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, June 2, 2015, at 6:00PM, Master Plan public hearing will follow at 6:30PM, we will continue the regular meeting after the hearing if we don’t finish all our business.


8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:15 PM

            Motioned by Kluk, seconded by Dulac, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Nan Schwartz