Washington Planning Board

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

  Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

July 7, 2015

0.0       Assembly:  6:00PM

            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Schwartz, Cook, Dagesse and Marshall

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk, Dulac, Russell, Hatch

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Terani

0.4           Visitors: Camille and Jon Gibson


Crandall asked us to accept Andrew Hatch as our new alternate member. Marshall made a motion to make Hatch an alternate member of the Planning Board, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


1.0       Minutes: Minutes from June 2, 2015 meeting, no changes were requested, Marshall motioned to approve, Cook seconded and all voted in favor. Minutes from June 2, 2015 public hearing on the six Master Plan chapters, no changes were requested, Cook motioned to approve, Marshall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       Master Plan Update – Schwartz made a motion to vote to accept and certify the 6 chapters presented at the Public Hearing on June 2nd, Cook seconded and all voted in favor. Schwartz will draw up a certification page and have everyone sign it at next month’s meeting. Russell asked why the first six chapters that we approved were not in order of one to six. Kluk explained that the committee worked on them out of order and the chapter numbers were pre-assigned in the table of contents for the Master Plan document.

Crandall said we have three new draft chapters to review tonight – Utilities, Housing and Hazards. We started with the Housing Chapter and Crandall commented that he wasn’t sure why Goal A #3 was in the document because building on class VI roads was illegal. Schwartz said that she thought that Thayer was working on a policy for Class V, summer maintenance only and Class VI roads. Marshall said that the Selectmen, Thayer, and the Town Attorney are working on the Class V issue. We agreed to remove #3. Dulac stated that he thinks that the town is concerned about growth and building growth but he sees the seasonal house conversion to year round residences as an increase in people in the town. He thinks that we need to send a message that we can meet these needs with services and facilities. He asked about the Goal B #4 concerning workforce housing, Marshall said that we need to comply with the state’s mandate to have our fair share of workforce housing. Hatch said it is cautious language and it seems fine, all agreed. Kluk pointed out that she added the numbers for 2015 housing stock in the table 10.1, Cook felt we should give the percent increase for the 5 year period, Kluk will add this number.

We moved on to Hazards and Emergency Planning chapter, Crandall asked for comments. Russell asked about “Specific Historic Treasures” as mentioned in Goal A, after discussion we decided to remove the word “specific”. Speaking of historic treasures, Crandall mentioned that Marion Baker, who was showing the Old School House in East Washington, met an officer of the National Country One Room School Association, she commented that it was the best kept example of a one-room schoolhouse she had seen anywhere in the state.

Marshall mentioned that the EOC committee has been meeting and has reviewed the Emergency Management Plan (EOP) for the town with the UVLSRPC representative, in order to update it. When they finish Marshall will provide Schwartz with a copy so we can review it and update the chapter if needed.

We then took up the Utilities Chapter, Hatch asked about the cell tower lease for the land at the Transfer Station, Marshall said that they will be letting it lapse when the lease period is up later this year. Thayer doesn’t want to tie up the area any longer. Kluk commented that UVLSRPC considers Washington as an underserved community for Broadband/Internet, she spoke with Granite State Communications about this and they don’t agree with this assessment. They said that 75% of town has access to 7mbs upload and 25% of town has access to 3mbs. They are coming out with new packages that will be 5-10-14mbs bundled with their new TV service soon. She said that Fast Roads is bringing faster speeds to towns in Sullivan County, Schwartz said she looked at their website and they are working down Rt. 10 through Lempster and Goshen but are not coming in this direction.

2.2       Event Sign - Kluk reported that she and Schwartz met with MaineLine Graphics at their office in Antrim to discuss their proposal for the sign. They looked at materials and spoke with staff, who answered questions about the sign. Kluk and Schwartz also met with Ed Thayer at the Transfer Station this morning to talk about installation and location for the sign. He feels comfortable with either of 2 locations. Kluk and Schwartz want to meet with the Selectmen, Allan Dube, the Forest Warden in charge of the “Smokey the Bear” sign and anyone else interested on Friday 7/10. Marshall said that Thayer is off on Friday and can’t meet then. We will try to pick another day/time to meet when Dube is available. Crandall asked if we had contracted with anyone yet, to make the sign. Kluk said no, but Maineline has been most responsive and is in line with the budget. Schwartz asked Marshall who should approve the contract; the Planning Board or the Selectmen.

We took a look at the design, Kluk said that Maineline had suggested that we add either “est.” or “inc.” before the number so it doesn’t read as a street address. Dagesse feels that it isn’t welcoming enough and suggested adding “Welcome to” over the word “Washington” instead. Schwartz stated that it isn’t meant to be a welcome sign, it is an events sign.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       Business Permit – Shane Mulliner has had a change of location for his existing logging and cordwood business, he bought the old service station location near the corner of Rt. 31 and East Washington Road and has relocated his business from his home to the new site. Cook asked about the site. Schwartz showed the map Mulliner had provided and a copy of the deed. Schwartz said the lot has two tracts according to the deed. Cook said we will first need to get him to merge the tracts. Schwartz will send the paperwork for a merger. Schwartz said we will need to do a site visit and hold a hearing for abutter comments. Kluk asked about water and septic on the site, Dagesse said that there isn’t any existing. We set a date for the site visit for Friday, July 17th at 10:15AM, Schwartz will notice and send a reminder. We will set the date for a hearing after the site visit and merger are accomplished. Hatch looked over Mulliner’s original application for a business permit.

3.2       Business Permit - Jon and Camille Gibson came in to have a discussion about the town’s business permit process. Crandall welcomed them to town. They recently closed on Lolly Gilbert’s house and want to bring their pewter business to town. Gibson said that had read through the LUO and other documents and they wondered how we would classify their business. He said they have 3 to 4 visitors a day and are open year round. He extended an invitation for members to come visit the shop in Hillsboro Center so we could understand the nature of the business. He said it is a small craft business that he hopes to grow a little. The barn is 1800sf and they won’t be using all of that space right away. The house is 4700sf. They have antique tools and machinery and it is like a working museum. Camille said she makes quilts and her studio would be in the house. Gibson said that he envisions the Pewter business and one sign out front. Marshall said he has been in the shop in Hillsboro and it is wonderful, he feels they should do a regular business permit, even though it would be considered a home business. After discussion we decided we would accept the application for home businesses. Gibson asked if we would accept a map drawn by him or do we need a surveyor to do it. We stated would accept a map done by him. He had a question about parking spaces, in Hillsboro they have 5 space available with 2 reserved for the residence. He has had Bob Bachand stake out a parking space in front of the barn for 3 cars with a 15-foot curb cut and since it is a state road he has asked DOT for approval. They have a 2-car garage at the house with a space large enough for 6 cars. Schwartz said that this seems adequate and on occasion excess cars could park in the lot behind the town buildings. Marshall said that we need to protect the town from questions. Gibson asked how the town feels about people parking along the road (Rt.31). Marshall said it is a state highway and the town doesn’t have jurisdiction over that. Crandall said that if they see anything that is not applicable in the application to mark it as N/A, if we have any question about it we will ask for clarification. Gibson said they use no hazardous materials, don’t make any noise and use their materials safely. They invited us to look at their website for more information: http://www.gibsonpewter.com Gibson said they like the community in Washington. Hatch commented that the artisan community here is very active right now and this seems like good timing. Gibson said the artisans can all help each other and build a real community. His last question to the board was about the duration of the permit. Schwartz said it is forever, you don’t have to apply again to keep it. Marshall said as long as you stay in compliance the permit is good.


4.0       Driveway permits: None


5.0       Mergers:

5.1       Michael Hall, 1170 Valley Road, TM 24-02 and 24-03, deeds provided, fee paid. Cook looked over the deeds and said that all was in order with them. We looked over the paperwork and all was complete. Dagesse motioned to approve the merger, Cook seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Crandall signed the paperwork and Schwartz will send to the Registry of Deeds.


6.0       Communications:

6.1       Map from Shane Mulliner for Business Permit Application

6.2       DES notice of approval for Septic, Chute, 217 Halfmoon Pond Rd, TM 12-2.

            6.3       Copy of boundary survey, Kingsbury Hill Road, TM 13 lots 36 & 37

            6.4       Intent-to-cut, Millen Pond Road, Halverson, TM11-68

6.5       Copy DES, Septic, request for amended plan needed for changes to original plan, 28 Bradford Springs Rd., TM 23-7

6.6       Copy of DES approval for construction for septic system, 32 Sweeney Road, TM20-11


7.0       Other Business:

7.1       Hatch said that the Energy Committee has almost finished their draft of the Energy Chapter and wanted to know where they should send it. Schwartz said he can send it to her when it is ready and she will send it out to the Master Plan Update Committee. Kluk asked if they talked about the current situation in the chapter and if they mentioned the energy audits that were done. Hatch said they did reference them. Schwartz said the MPUC is meeting next on July 28th and it would be great to have it before then.

7.2       Russell asked if the Master Plan chapters on the website are the final versions. Schwartz said she would make sure that the approved versions are the ones posted.


8.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, August 4, 2015, at 6:30PM.


9.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 7:56 PM

            Motioned by Marshall, seconded by Cook, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Nan Schwartz