Washington Planning Board

Public Hearing Minutes
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Washington Planning Board

Public Hearing Minutes

September 1, 2015


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM

            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Dagesse, Marshall and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk, Russell, Terani

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Cook, Hatch, Dulac

0.4           Visitors: Jon Gibson, Camille Gibson, Katherine LeBlanc, Mike Anis, Shane Mulliner, Jenny Bruno and Al Bruno, Jim Berry.



1.0       Public Hearings:

Schwartz made a motion to have Jean Kluk sit in for Cook, Dagesse seconded the motion, all voted in favor.


1.1       Business permit - Jon and Camille Gibson, Gibson Pewter, 26 North Main Street – Crandall opened the public hearing and explained that the Gibson’s are hoping to move their pewter business to their new home in Washington. We accepted their application as complete at our previous meeting and conducted a site walk on August 25th and found no issues. The minutes of the site walk are available. Crandall asked for any public comments on Gibson’s application and there were none. Jon Gibson commented that he had spoken at the site walk about additional outside lighting for the business and that it would be a tasteful barnlight over the barn door and possibly another one by the entry door. He stated these would be downward facing and wouldn’t cast a lot of additional light. He said that they are planning to do some tree clearing and the parking lot first. There being no other questions for the Gibsons, Marshall made a motion to close the public hearing, the motion was seconded by Dagesse, all voted in favor. Crandall closed the public hearing for Gibsons at 6:35pm.


1.2       Business Permit - Shane Mulliner, S. W. Mulliner Logging, 479 South Main Street – Crandall opened the public hearing for Shane Mulliner’s business permit at 6:35pm and stated that Mulliner has a current business permit but he is changing the location of the business from his Faxon Hill Road home to the South Main Street site. Crandall asked for public comment. Jenny Bruno said that they are happy that Mulliner has moved to the new site but they are very concerned about the noise levels. They said it is loud during the day and they start work before 6:30am. The Bruno’s have a home business and they are on the phone and have trouble hearing and conducting their business. Mulliner stated that they start at 7-7:30 or 8 am. Katherine LeBlanc asked if the business was 7 days a week. Mulliner stated that it is 6 days a week for sure, sometimes 7. LeBlanc said she is concerned about weekends and Sundays in particular, she said it is very noisy. Mulliner stated he works as much as he can prior to the heating season. J. Bruno asked about a wall or a sound barrier to control the noise. Crandall said that when he was on Faxon Hill Road neighbors came out in support of his business. Marshall said the town has a noise ordinance that is in effect from 11pm to 7am. Mulliner said that his business shuts down in December until March and they have to run all the time during the period they are open. J. Bruno said that the ordinance said 65 db is the high limit, can we go out and check the levels. Marshall stated that the town has a decibel meter that they could use to check it. Jim Berry delivered a letter from Marc Longval, an abutter of Mulliner. The letter stated his support of Mulliner and his business. There were no other comments from the public. Marshall made a motion to close the public hearing, the motion was seconded by Dagesse, all voted in favor. Crandall closed the hearing at 6:40 pm.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Nan Schwartz