Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT   

October 6, 2015

0.0       Assembly: 6:30PM


            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Marshall

            0.2       Alternates present: Dulac, Hatch, Kluk, Russell

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Cook, Dagesse, Schwartz, Terani

            0.4       Visitors: Deb Walsh


Crandall motioned to have Kluk sit for Schwartz and take minutes, Marshall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.  Crandall motioned to have Hatch sit for Cook, Marshall seconded, all voted in favor.  Crandall motioned to have Dulac sit for Dagesse, Marshall seconded, all voted in favor.


1.0       Minutes: September 1st Hearing and Meeting.  No changes were requested to either minutes, Marshall motioned to approve as written, Hatch seconded and all voted in favor.

            Minutes: September 8th Master Plan Hearing.  No changes were requested, Hatch motioned to approve as written, Dulac seconded and all voted in favor. 



2.0       Old Business:

2.1       Master Plan Update: Kluk provided an overview of the public hearing on September 8th.  Based on public input at the hearing, a recommendation was added to Goal B of the Hazards and Emergency Planning Chapter that states, “Conduct community education programs to promote household safety and emergency preparedness.  Focus on emergency supplies and equipment along with usage and maintenance of household safety devices such as smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.”   Hatch motioned to approve this addition, Dulac seconded and all voted in favor.  Dulac then motioned to approve and certify the 2015 Master Plan, Kluk seconded and all voted in favor.  The Certification page was then circulated for Planning Board members to sign.   The number of copies and format of the final document were discussed.  Crandall suggested two copies per department/board/committee plus extra loaner copies for the Library and Town Hall.  Marshall suggested 3-ring binders with numbered dividers similar to the sample provided by Kluk for all board/committee/department’s copies and cheaper plastic covers for the public copies at Library and Town Hall.  Hatch motioned to approve spending $1,000 for printing copies, Crandall seconded and all voted in favor.  Crandall recommended that an all-boards (committees, etc.) meeting be held to discuss Master Plan goals and priorities and that the Planning Board identify the specific goals and recommendations that are applicable to each board/committee/department.  Each board/committee/department will then determine how to prioritize their goals.  Marshall said that Crandall could work with him to set up a joint meeting to be held in mid-November and that the meeting should be before the Annual Report is prepared.  Russell asked how the Planning Board could ensure that the Board of Selectmen embraces the Master Plan and will work to implement it.  Marshall stated that the Selectmen would vote to endorse the Master Plan as a public acknowledgement of their endorsement.   Crandall scheduled a 9:00 am working meeting on October 19th to determine which goals/recommendations are to be allocated to specific boards/committees/departments.  Kluk will email just the goal section for each chapter to all Planning Board members.

2.2       Event Sign: Kluk reported that DPW had picked up the sign from MaineLine Graphics and will install it as their schedule permits.  Current expense to date for the sign is $3,687.68 out of the $4,500 approved warrant article.  The only remaining expenses would be DPW bracket fabrication and miscellaneous hardware estimated at $200.  Marshall commented that the Selectmen now need to review the draft procedures and forms that were previously provided to them by Kluk.

2.3       CIP:  Kluk noted that CIP request forms have NOT been received from many departments. Only Fire, Police, Cons Comm and Town Administrator have submitted CIP forms.  Kluk explained that the spreadsheet shows a new column for the 2015 approved CIP amounts and that these amounts are not included in the fund balances since the monies have not yet been transferred to the respective funds.  Marshall said that the Selectmen are going to the DRA a month earlier this year with the budget forms and that departments better get their CIP forms in as soon as possible.

2.4       Letter to Scott Depot: Kluk said that letter suggested that a business permit be obtained from the Town for a home business, no response to date.

2.5       Letter to Debra Walsh:  re: B&B business in LAE.  Crandall stated that he met with her immediately after her receipt of the Planning Board letter regarding a business permit.  Walsh had obtained the appropriate Food Service and Operations licenses from the state but was unaware that a town business permit was needed or that her deed contained restrictions that prohibit a business. Walsh stated that she had not received a cease and desist letter from the LAE due to mail forwarding issues but that Crandall had forwarded the copy received by the Planning Board.  Walsh said she has removed all advertisements for her B&B and is now only advertising an entire house rental on AirBnB and that LAE needs to explain the deed restriction verbiage regarding rentals.  No business permit has been submitted so no Planning Board action is needed.


3.0       New Business:         

3.1       Planning Book order for 2016:  Kluk updated the Board on the cost and number of copies being ordered.  Order form was left with Defosse to submit with payment.

3.2       LUO question from Realtor Chuck Braxton regarding seasonal RV placement on a lot, TM 13-36&37, Kingsbury Hill Road (Class VI).  Potential buyer of the lot wants to place an RV but cannot meet the LUO front setback from road (50’) due to retaining wall placement that limits the setback to 35’.   Marshall said that the Selectmen discussed the issue and decided to ask Planning Board for input rather than sending the request to the Board of Adjustment since it is a RV seasonal (90 day) permit rather than a permanent structure building permit.   Marshall stated that many RV’s are on class VI roads in town.  Much discussion took place regarding authority and legality on how to proceed. Planning Board consensus was that the Selectmen should contact NHMA for a legal opinion on the Planning Board’s authority and precedence for waiving setback requirements. 

3.3       Rules and Procedures for the Planning Board:  Crandall asked whether the board members thought there was any value in reviewing and updating the Rules and Procedures which were adopted in 1993 and have had a few minor revisions since then.  Dulac asked if there is an issue that Crandall is concerned about.  Crandall said that attendance by members and alternates has been a concern.  Marshall stated that even with a rule regarding attendance it would be extremely difficult, or next to impossible, to remove an elected member from office based on lack of attendance.  He cited a prior situation of a Selectmen that had moved out of NH but continued to collect his Selectmen’s stipend despite never attending meetings.  Crandall concluded that the board has enough business on its plate currently and will not address updating Rules and Procedures at this time. 


4.0       Driveway permits: None


5.0       Mergers: None         


6.0       Communications:

6.1       Letter from Don Damm, re: non-expansion of LAE boundaries

6.2       Copy of email from Chuck Braxton, re: RV location on a lot, see 3.2,k

6.3       Copy of notice from DES, approval for use, septic system, TM22-64

6.4       Copy of notice from DES, Non-approval for operation, septic system, TM 14-381   


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, November 3, 2015, at 6:30PM

            Working meeting date for Planning Board Master Plan, Monday, October 19, 2015, at 9:00 am, Town Hall.


8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:00 pm

            Motioned by Marshall, seconded by Hatch, all voted in favor.



Respectfully Submitted,

Jean Kluk