Washington Planning Board

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

  Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

January 7, 2014

0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM

            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Dagesse, Marshall, Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Cook, Terani

0.4           Visitors: None


Crandall called the meeting to order at 6:30PM

Dagesse motioned to have Kluk sit in for Cook, Marshall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


1.0           Minutes: Minutes from December 3, 2013, as no changes were needed, Crandall motioned to approve, Kluk seconded and all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       CIP - Schwartz asked Marshall if the CIP documents provided to the Selectmen by the board after the meeting last month was adequate for their budgeting purposes. Marshall said it was adequate but they have not worked on the budgeting and warrant issues yet. He said they are waiting on word from DES about bridge projects. Kluk asked about any projects being considered. Marshall said they are in discussions on both building projects and are rethinking what they will do. Dagesse said they have advertised a bond hearing for February 8th but were not specific on what it is for (or how much the bond would be for). Marshall said they did not receive the LCHIP grant for the Town Hall project so they are not sure what to do. Kluk asked if there is any benefit to having some local builders/contractors take a look at the energy reports that were done and look at what could be done in the Schoolhouse. She felt it could be helpful to obtain an order-of-magnitude estimate for the repairs to the Old School House that were spelled out in the CIP Spreadsheet/Energy Audit Report/Inspection Report. Marshall commented that if everything goes down as planned, we need to know what we will do with the Schoolhouse. Kluk said that if the Police stay there for now we need to know what needs to be done to make it more habitable. Marshall said that if the Police move out what will we do with it? He said there is lots of talk in town about keeping the Police in the center of town. Schwartz asked if this is the Selectmen’s thought and Marshall said no, it is the thought of others in town. They think that you could excavate under the Schoolhouse for a sally port since they are excavating under the Town Hall. Schwartz pointed out that this would require an elevator. Marshall thinks you could put all the things planned for in the Safety Complex into the Schoolhouse. Schwartz said that the Planning Board could come up with a list of possible new uses for the building. Marshall thought that looking at the other two building projects you could estimate $150 per square foot to renovate the building. He said there is a Safety Complex meeting tomorrow night and the Selectmen are working on figuring out what they are going to do.


  • Master Plan Update – Kluk gave us a rundown of the MPUC meeting on Tuesday, December 10th at 4pm. They began discussion, analysis and summarization of the actual content of the survey responses. She said committee members identified a number of recurring themes in the survey responses that could be topics for the spring/summer workshops. Those themes included: zoning districts, historical preservation, town facilities, preservation of rural character, and economic development. The committee noted that generally speaking respondents were pleased with town services. Dan Reidy of the UNH Cooperative Extension met with us to discuss the guidance and services that he could provide for our June visioning workshop. With him we discussed the existing Master Plan and additional chapters that we are considering including in the update. He made recommendations for conducting the workshops and suggested that one workshop which addresses multiple topics is the most effective approach. He suggested randomly creating small groups within the workshop to address specific topics. All small group suggestions would then be shared with the larger group at the conclusion of the workshop. UNH Coop Ext folks would conduct facilitator training and Dan suggested that facilitators could be high school students earning community service time.  He quoted us approximately $1,000 to work with us for one community workshop including preparation, facilitator training and results reports. He will be providing a proposal and letter of commitment prior to the end of March. The committee will reconvene again in late March or early April to begin preparing for the June “visioning” workshop.  


2.3       Business permits – Thunder Mountain Construction - Cullen, Snell Construction & Excavation. Dagesse sent applications to both businesses and we hope to hear from them soon.


2.4       DRA, change of Town Meeting date procedure – Dagesse reported that she spoke with the town attorney about the issue voting to move the date and time of Town Meeting. He advised that you have to reference a certain RSA in the warrant and the vote is by ballot. They wouldn’t specify a date or time on the ballot but the Selectmen would choose the day and time later. Dagesse said that the town would still have to vote on the second Tuesday, so people would have to come out twice. There would be additional cost for the moderator and Town Clerk who have to be present for both days. The Selectmen are going to put the issue on a ballot and see what happens.


2.5       Fence ordinance discussion – Crandall thought that an ordinance could be a good idea. Kluk said that she though it wasn’t enough of a problem that we should put something in the LUO. Dagesse agreed. Marshall said the issue is a civil matter and nothing more. Kluk said that you should be aware of where your neighbor is erecting a fence and make sure they put it on their side of the property line. We all agreed that it is not advisable at this point to add anything to the LUO.



PB member terms - We discussed member terms that are up this year and who would be running again for their seats. It is anticipated that both Dagesse and Cook will run again for their seats.


2.7       RV ordinance discussion – Schwartz reported that we will be putting the RV ordinance forward again this year, on a ballot at Town Meeting. The ballot was tossed last year, by the moderator, because of a printing error. Schwartz will have Barbara Gaskell – Premier Printing do the printing this year and will call to ask her if our hearings from last year concerning the ordinance will be adequate or whether we will have to hold another hearing this year.


3.0       New Business:  None           


4.0       Driveway permits: None     


5.0       Mergers:

            5.1       Jeffrey Johnson, Sharon Locke, TM 12-81, lots 18 and 19 on WLE plan, sheet #2, 685 Washington Dr., deed provided. This merger is being done at the request of the Assessors so there is no fee being charged. Kluk made a motion to approve the merger, Marshall seconded and all voted in favor, Crandall signed the merger and Schwartz will send to the Registry of Deeds.

5.2       George L. Cook, TM 20-108 tracts 1&2, 272 Bailey Road, deeds provided. Marshall made a motion to approve the merger, Dagesse seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Crandall signed the merger and Schwartz will send to the Registry of Deeds. Dagesse asked that Schwartz let Peter Mellen know when it has been sent to the Registry, at his request. Schwartz asked if the fees were paid and Dagesse suggested she ask Mellen.


6.0       Communications:

6.1       Intent to Cut - Cranston, Kingsbury Hill Rd., TM 17-28

6.2       Intent to Cut – DiCaprio, Halfmoon Pond Road, TM 12-38

6.3       Intent to Cut – Sagalyn, Rt. 31, TM 1-1

6.4       Copy of Business Permit App from Michelle, sent to Snell

6.5       Copy of plan for O’Malley, Millen Pond Road, from Peter Mellen


7.0       Date for next Planning Board meeting, February 4, 2014, at 6:30PM.


8.0       Adjournment:              Time 7:28PM

            Motioned by Dagesse, seconded by Marshall, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Nan Schwartz