Washington Planning Board

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

  Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2014

0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM

            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Dagesse, Marshall, Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Cook, Terani

0.4           Visitors: None

Schwartz motioned for Kluk to sit in for Cook, Marshall seconded and all voted in favor.


1.0       Minutes: Minutes from April 1, 2014, Schwartz pointed out that she had the wrong date at the top of the minutes, she will correct and repost. There were no other changes suggested. Marshall motioned to approve, Dagesse seconded and all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       Master Plan Update Committee status report -

Kluk said the committee met again and Dan Reidy attended both meetings. They have 5 students lined up for facilitators and are looking for 3 more. Dagesse had a few suggestions and they will be followed up on. Kluk asked how people felt about having a couple of non-Washington resident kids if we can’t get any more local kids to participate, no one had a problem with that. She said a “Save the Date” card has gone out to residents and there was a Washington News and Nixle email sent. She showed the card that will be going out to seasonal residents soon which has a tear off, return registration card. A registration card will be sent to residents in a few weeks. She plans for an article in the Messenger and Villager papers, a letter home to elementary school parents, presence at the Farmers Market, Black Fly Ball, Senior lunch and anything else we can think of. She showed a poster that will be going up soon. She went over the proposed schedule for the workshop. Marshall asked about registration and Kluk said that our last email blast will ensure the public that walk-ins will be welcome, we are requesting registration but not requiring it. It is important to have an idea how many people are coming for food and handouts and knowing how many facilitators we would need. Dan Reidy will have the preregistration list and make up the groups; we will be pulling the topics randomly out of a hat at the workshop for the already randomly assigned groups for double blind randomness.

The MPUC is meeting next on May 13th at 9AM in the Town Hall to continue working on the workshop topics.

Crandall said that Kluk has done so much work on this workshop; he thinks the randomness gets rid of many of the problems. Kluk said that Crandall will do some opening remarks as chair of the PB. Crandall suggested that the PB should approve anything that is going out to the workshop participants, the PB may want to add or change some talking points. He said the survey is referenced in the topic literature and we are delving deeper into what was said. Kluk said we might need a working meeting after the next PB meeting if all materials are not done by then. We will set a date at our June PB meeting if needed.


2.2       New Application for Home Business for Site Plan Review -

We went over the shorter application for Home Businesses based on the Site Plan Review application that we reviewed last meeting. Kluk suggested we change the reference in the Site Plan section XII for “Home Occupations” to say “Home Business” to be consistent, Dagesse made a motion to do this, Marshall seconded and all voted in favor. Kluk had the LUO sections for reference and we will add them to #7 on the application. We will add “I acknowledge that I have reviewed the Washington Land Use Ordinance, Article II, section 200-206, Article III, section 300, 307-309, and Article IV, section 401-403”. We will just ask for an appropriate scale. There were no other changes suggested, Dagesse motioned for Schwartz to make the changes and post the documents, Schwartz seconded and all voted in favor.


2.3       Warrant article #29 – Crandall said the forms for the town survey have been improved with input and asked for any more suggested changes. Marshall said the Selectmen have 3 groups working on this, each with a specific agenda. He said the WESAC met last night and they were given mandates to look at alternatives to their building. The TH advisory group has mandates and is going for an LCHIP grant and the Planning Board is covering gathering data. Dagesse asked what we are doing with the town questionnaires. Marshall said that we could pull data off the internet and interview towns. Dagesse asked where the questions came from. Crandall said he came up with a list and Kluk added a few things to it. He said that anyone who wants to could add to it. Dagesse asked what we are going to do with the questionnaire? Crandall said it would be preferable to have the Selectmen contact the towns and email it to them and then go talk to them Selectmen to Selectmen. Dagesse said that their secretaries would probably fill it out because the Selectmen won’t have the answers; she does this all the time when things come into our Selectmen’s office. Crandall asked how do we proceed? Marshall said out of respect to the Selectmen we will send it to them and they can hand it off to their staff. Marshall said the issue is if the Selectmen don’t have time to do it will the Planning Board do it for them. Crandall said yes, we can make a personal visit. Marshall said it is data collection however we do it. Kluk said that it is a lot of information and they will need help. Kluk said we need to discuss the towns in the study; the towns Marshall chose are not comparable. Marshall said they have data for most towns, square footage of departments, they have Lempster, Henniker, Rescue, Fire and Police, and they can fill in the blanks. Crandall would prefer we ask again for fresh data Dagesse said we should pick 8 towns but with so many variable how do we find comparable towns? Kluk said we have unique factors, but we should look at population, square miles, housing stock, income, seasonal population, etc. Crandall said we shouldn’t prejudge.

Crandall wanted to start with the sheets so we went over them:

1. Meeting house – OK, 2. Police, Schwartz asked how they would have a traffic count; Marshall said if it is a state highway, DOT has the counts. Kluk said the numbering needed to be corrected. 3. Rescue, the numbering needed correction, Kluk asked about including the hospital they are associated with and distance to it, we will add this in the generic section #4, Schwartz asked if we should ask if they use DART, we decided to add this. 4. Fire, Kluk asked about length of trucks but we decided it doesn’t need to be asked. Kluk said the limitation of having to buy custom, smaller trucks would be interesting to know but we felt the square footage covers this. Marshall wanted to add a comment line asking how it is working for them. Schwartz suggested asking when their building was built, agreed. On #9 we will remove a redundant question about square footage. Kluk suggested asking if they have a certified room for training and also if they are ADA compliant. We agreed to add these and also add them to Rescue. Marshall said if you meet with the towns you come away with much more info than you ask. Crandall asked about timing, he said after making corrections we will send it around again and then pass it to the Selectmen and get their blessing.

We looked at the list of towns from around the state. We decided on Jackson, Freedom, Stoddard, Bridgewater, Sandwich, Dublin, Bradford, and Woodstock. We removed Unity, Windsor, Marlow, Lempster, Goshen and Acworth from their list, as they were not comparable towns.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       Business Permit -

We reviewed a business permit application and request for exemption of site plan review, from Brian Colley, TM 14-71, 89 Grant Road, for a trash and recycling pickup business. Schwartz asked if Colley was the property owner or if he was leasing. Dagesse said he is renting so we need the property owners signature on the application. Dagesse said she would contact him and ask him to come in to give us more information and get the signature. We will table the application until next month.


3.2       Planning and Land Use Regulation books –

Schwartz passed out the new books to members and there are two more on the file cabinet for the absent members.


4.0       Driveway permits –

            4.1       We reviewed an application for a permanent driveway for logging for Tom Marshall, 484 Ayers Pond Road, TM 9-6. No map provided was provided so Marshall drew one for us. Cook and Ed Thayer had checked and Ed recommended a water bar to be installed after the logging is done. Marshall recused himself and Schwartz motioned to approve the permit, Dagesse seconded and all voted in favor.  


5.0       Mergers:

5.1       Kristyn Bond, 1238 Valley Road, TM24-08 – HLS lots 111 and 112, deed provided, fee waived. These are two abutting HLS lots on Valley Road on one deed. Dagesse motioned to approve the merger, Schwartz seconded and all voted in favor. Crandall signed the merger and the TM number remains 24-08.


5.2       Julia Craven, Christopher Craven, Kelly Grant Craven and David Lund, 221 Island Pond Road, TM12-60 Parcel1, first tract and second tract, deed provided, fee waived, these are two tracts on the same deed. All the paperwork was in order so Marshall motioned to approve, Kluk seconded and all voted in favor. Crandall signed the merger and the TM number remains 12-60.


5.3       Town of Washington, Lempster Mountain Road, (Center Station land), TM 22-59-1, TM 22-59 Parcel A and TM22-58, deeds provided, fee waived. Dagesse motioned to approve the merger, Kluk seconded and all voted in favor. Crandall signed the merger and the new lot number will be TM 22-58.


            5.4       Donna Lanni, Monroe Circle, TM14-258 and TM14-259, this merger is still pending new deeds are being drawn up and they will be sent to us as soon as they are registered.


            Schwartz will send the three approved mergers to the Registry of Deeds.


6.0       Communications:

6.1       Intent to Cut, TM 1-1, Rte. 31 North, Sagalyn

6.2       Intent to Cut, TM 13-31, Smith Pond Road, Williams

6.3       Intent to Cut, TM 9-6, Ayers Pond Road, Marshall

6.4       Intent to Cut, TM 17-28, Kingsbury Hill Road, Cranston

6.5       Copy of Dredge and Fill Application for Town of Washington, Bailey Road Culvert Upgrade

6.6        Copy of Dredge and Fill Application for Town of Washington, Valley Road Culvert Replacement


7.0       Date for next Planning Board meeting, June 3, 2014, at 6:30PM.


8.0       Adjournment:              Time 8:17 PM

            Motioned by Schwartz, seconded by Kluk, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Nan Schwartz